Colourpop Garden Furniture Project, Part One

Our garden has been looking very neglected for a long time. We do try, but green-fingered skills don’t seem to come naturally to us, even the grass is stubby and scruffy! I’ve planted so many flowers and plants only to have them devoured by slugs and add to that some neglectful watering and you have a recipe for disaster.Bearing this in mind I decided to brighten up the garden another way and gave our very worn-looking garden furniture a colourful makeover.It was such a simple project and was so much fun, plus, most importantly, it wasn’t particularly time-consuming. First I spray painted the chairs. I made sure they were clean but didn’t sand them or prime them in any way and can confirm that the colours can withstand heavy rain. I used this range of spray paint it goes on beautifully and the blue and green chairs only needed one can each. For the pink and yellow I had to buy an extra can but this hasn’t gone to waste as I’ve been rejuvenating our battered planters!Once the chairs were looking wonderful it suddenly occurred to me that the table was a little weathered too so I decided to cover the top using a decoupage technique. I’m really loving the results! I’ll make a step-by-step post with more information on that, so watch this space if you’d like to give it a go too!

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