Rainbow Spaghetti Sensory Play

I’m a bit of a magpie for bright colours and rainbow themes so this spaghetti really speaks to my soul! This is the second time I’ve made it and although dyeing all the different colours is slightly time-consuming, it’s well worth the effort.

I found it almost mesmerising watching the humble strands transform into vivid hues, and when I’d lined all the colours up, I must confess that I felt a slight pang that my beautiful order was about to be decimated! Still, it was more than worth it for the fun that was had!

We started off just feeling the spaghetti and of course tasting it (it doesn’t taste any different) then progressed into stirring and transporting into other containers. There was lots of inevitable throwing and we enjoyed listening to the splat sounds this created and finally we made some pictures by putting the colourful strands on thick paper.

We did this activity in the garden on a large plastic tablecover and the children wore puddle suits so there was very minimal mess or clean up. It was so much fun and the adults enjoyed it as much as the children (aged 5 & 18 months). Have you made rainbow spaghetti before?

You will need…

1 pack of spaghetti

Food colouring (blue, red, yellow)

A little oil

How to…

  1. Cook the spaghetti as per the instructions on the packet. Drain then place in a big tub or tray, add a little oil and thoroughly mix in.
  2. Spread the pasta out so it’s in an even layer then separate into 6 portions. Put the first portion back in the pan and add a few drops of red food colouring, mix until the spaghetti is completely red (I used my hands).
  3. Put the red spaghetti back in the tray then take your second portion of pasta, add red and yellowto make orange. Rinse the pan thoroughly then create yellow with your third serving.
  4. Make green with the fourth from yellow and blue, rinsethe pan then dye the fifth helping blue and the sixth violet with red and blue.

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