THE Most Mouthwatering Dairy Free Fudge

Nothing says homemade Christmas to me quite like a box of fudge. It’s the ultimate sweet treat and always a people pleaser no matter the audience. Clearly though, with its gallons of cream and kilos of butter, fudge is not an equal opportunities confectionary.

With this recipe however, things are set to change, there’s not a sniff of dairy nor a hint of soya lecithin (which seems to permeate most creamy items) instead, this delicious fudge is made from just two allergy friendly and plant-based ingredients! Tinned coconut milk plus sugar and that’s it! We flavoured ours with vanilla extract and a little pink Himalayan salt but you can add whatever you like; cinnamon, ginger, nuts, cocoa, the options are endless.

This is a really simple recipe with no sugar thermometers or fancy equipment, but be warned, there is a lot of stirring involved so it’s a great way to build those biceps – it’s practically exercise!

We’re going to dust ours with a little gold lustre powder for some Christmas sparkle and maybe even drizzle some dairy free chocolate on top – what luxury!


(Makes 16 pieces)

1 tin of coconut milk (the higher the coconut content the better)

150g sugar

A pinch of pink Himalayan salt (optional)

1.5tsp vanilla extract (optional)

How to…

  1. Line a dish approx 15cm x 15cm with greasproof paper. Heat the sugar over a medium heat for about a minute and a half.
  2. Pour in the coconut milk and stir so the sugar dissolves. Add the salt and vanilla extract then turn the heat up a little until the mixture boils.
  3. Turn the heat low then stir the mixture for around 30 minutes until it starts to thicken and coats the back of the spoon.
  4. Remove from heat and beat for 10 minutes until the fudge is almost set, pour into the dish. Once set, cut into 16 pieces.

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